Who's Artichoke?

Art "Artichoke" Alvarez

Welcome to OPG One Putt Golf Custom Artwork, and thank you for landing on my little corner of the internet! If you're here, it means you've got great taste, or you accidentally clicked the wrong link – either way, I'm thrilled you stopped by.

I've been an artist for nearly half a century, originally from Portland, Oregon, I've been holding down the fort in Los Angeles, California.

My golf journey began in 2012 but in 2014, things got real thanks to Coach Richard Darama and The "Rev" from Palm Lake Golf Course in Pomona, California. From those guys I learned the fundamentals, rules, and ways of the game; today I shoot in the 80s but, high 70s are on the horizon – I just need a couple more yards on my drive, and I'll be there.

When I'm not out on the greens, you can find me playing pool and creating artwork. Before golf took over my life, I was a 205 average bowler and an avid fisherman. I trained for 5 years in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves, under Ralph Gracie's teachings. So to say I stay busy is an understatement.

I've been creating artwork for as long as I can remember starting on cave walls until pencil and paper came along. As technology advanced, I ventured into digital arts and website development. Colleges and trade schools didn't really help with my artistic style as I often was advised that I should be teaching courses on how to draw. As for today I am self taught in all sorts of styles from realism to anime and pretty much anything trending these days that might catch your eye.

The goal:

I want you to think of me when anyone needs custom artwork and printing. I want to be the guy you recommend with a proud "I know a guy" when someone asks about custom designs.

Sure, I've got a bunch of awesome designs on my website, but the real magic lies in creating your very own custom designs.

Thanks again for visiting OPG.

Drive it, chip it, one putt golf it. .Art "Artichoke" Alvarez.